The SMART Interface
Motion, Wires, and Final Concepts
Taking a lean approach to both design and development, we used very few sketches and tried to work closely with developers to get concepts into working code and iterate from there. Due to an aggressive deadline, we thought it best tp keep throw away work to a minimum.
A New Concept
Research and Personas
Although people share many similar tastes, everyone is unique and no two people have identical viewing habits. The this end, people unknowingly create unique patterns of behavior throughout their lives. This effort was to develop a new vision for the U-verse TV experience for upcoming, next generation technologies.
The U-verse Learning Curve
The Art of Behavior Mapping
By identifying certain patterns we can begin to target the sweet spots of personal behavior. Through immediate and rapid learning, we can create the next generation of TV experience that harnesses an individual's actions and output a UI that is personal, simple, intuitive, and most of all - human driven.

Our journey begins with the learning curve.  
Low Fidelity Concepts
Final Concepts
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